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Birding festivals and events in Uganda

Are there any birding festivals in Uganda? Are there birding experts and birders in Uganda?  Furthermore, Are there birding expos in Uganda? Well, Uganda is a home to 1088 recorded bird species. Thus one of the top destination for birding enthusiasts in the world. Literally more than half of the Africa’s bird species around in Uganda and more than 11% of world’s bird species.
Uganda is one of the top destinations for birding because there are 1088 bird species that harbor this precious country. Therefore, as a home of these incredible species, festivals and events are held to celebrate them. There are both migratory and permanent birds both to be spotted in Uganda. Most of the birds from the northern hemisphere descent to Uganda following the River Nile route. And they find themselves in the islands of Lake Victoria. Uganda has the largest share of this lake and so are habitats for birds.

The Uganda big birding day (BBD)

What is Uganda big birding day? Nature Uganda and other partners like Uganda Tourism board and Uganda wildlife authority organize an annual birding activity called big birding day. This day aims at connecting awareness and avian conservation with tourism development.
Tourism can be promoted by use of birding conservation and Nature Uganda promote Uganda as top destination for birding. Under the theme “Connecting birds to people and nature” different events are organsed annually. There is a launching day where birding team is flagged off, the day for bird watching race and then the last day for the big birding festival where winners of the birding race are announced.
There is selected nature walk sites that are considered for big birding day especially national parks, game reserves and forest reserves. Some of the selected forest reserves like Budongo forest reserve, Mabira forest reserve and other places like Mabamba wetlands at the shores of Lake Victoria.

Uganda bird guide club (UBGC)

Uganda Bird Club is a group of young people interested in birds, birding, and ornithology and Birding festivals. UBC was founded in April 2018 in Kampala Uganda. Originally formed as a means for students interested in birding to share experiences, the club has had an impressive rise ever since. Since its inception, the club has grown to include dozens of current members, as well as young people from Eastern DRC.

Who can be a member of Uganda bird club?

Uganda Bird Club is for birding enthusiasts like bird learners, bird watchers, or ornithologists from Uganda and around the world. This club is for people who are interested in the birds of Uganda and their conservation.

What do Uganda bird club members do?

Uganda Bird Club does activities such Birding, studying bird science and research, identification and improving the habitat for birds. Any member who is passionate about tourism and biding in particular can join.

Uganda women birders.

This club was established in 2013 with a primary goal of bolstering female participation in nature guiding, to integrate women into tourism sector which has previously been dominated by males Birding festivals .
The idea of Uganda women birders club was initiated by Mr Herbert Byaruhanga as an expert in guide training. He targeted young women interested in tourism and conservation.
There is so much you can do in Uganda and birding is one of the exciting activities with various bird species both permanent and migratory. You can put Uganda on your list today for birding safari by contacting out tour experts for best options for you.